dragons are one of the classic mythological creatures. they are graceful and magnificent, but many people mistake them for being lizard like, which is completely untrue. dragons live for hundreds of years, are huge beasts of raw power, and have immense intellect.
dragon's wings are much like the wings of a bat, with the skin stretched of a finger like bone structure.
then there's the dragon's tail. a dragon's tail is an extremely useful tool. they use it as a rudder while in flight, and as a propeller in the water. because of all the strenuous jobs the tail is used for, it becomes rock solid because of the muscle mass, making it an ideal weapon.
dragons have clawed feet with three to four toes facing forward, and one toe (much like a thumb) facing inward. thus, the dragon can use his foot like a hand. it can pick up and use weapons and other objects, like wands.
dragons' bodies are covered in an almost impenitrable armor of scales. the overlapping scales cover it's whole body. as the dragon grows and matures, he simply grows more to cover his new skin. at no point in it's life deos a dragon naturally shed scales or skin.
dragons' horns, like their tails, also have many uses. if the horns point back, they can be used for grooming pourpeses. rounded horns can be used for defense, and forward pointing horns may be used for offense.
dragons have rows of multiple razor sharp teeth. all dragons, including babys(or wyrms, which is the technical term) have two fangs on top of their mouth, and two on bottom. more teeth come with age. dragon's jaws are devastatingly powerful, and can snap trees in one mighty bite.
for dragons, it's easiest to take flight from a high place, such as a cliff, where they can leap off and start flying emeideitly. but if there isn't anyplace like that near, than they will leap into the air, slapping their talis on the ground and pushing off with their hind legs. once in flight, dragons can stay in the air for hours effortlessly.
dragons are natural at magic, and depending on the type of dragon, have many different breath weapons.also, depending on their type, dragons horde a large manner of different treasures in their lairs.
sight: exceptional
scent: exceptional
hearing: average
taste: exceptional (dragons hate sweet flavors)
touch: pour (because of their layer of scales)
blindsense: amazing
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